
DBQ Online

DBQ Online takes The DBQ Project to a whole new level. Teachers and students have the tools to read and annotate documents, take notes, organize or “bucket” evidence, and write papers in our online environment. That’s just the beginning.


Take a few minutes to learn more about DBQ Online.


Annotation Toolbar

Annotation tools include text, sticky-notes, highlighter, and more. Teachers can model document analysis and close reading, and annotations save immediately for both student and teacher.

Enhanced Digital Tools
  • Color maps and images
  • Audio “read-aloud” for textual documents and background essays
  • Annotation tools for close reading and marking up the text
  • Browser-based dictionary for one-click vocabulary
  • Professional development videos for teachers
  • Customizable units for differentiated instruction
The DBQ Project Library

DBQ Online includes our award winning print-based units of study in an upgraded digital format.

Students Can...
  • Work on assignments in their individual accounts
  • Annotate documents and write their essays inside of DBQ Online
  • Save and submit papers to teachers through a simple download process
Teachers Can...
  • Easily set up their classes
  • Customize assignments within a class
  • Access PD videos for best practice teaching tips
  • Assign work to student accounts with one click
Essay Builder

Guides students through a multi-step process for planning and writing. Includes selecting and organizing evidence, developing a claim, bucketing, outlining, drafting, and revising.

Professional Development Videos

Teachers have access to several videos which provide helpful tips for implementing the DBQ Project 6-Step Method. Videos are 5-10 minutes in length and feature teachers using DBQs in their own classroom. Great for aligning teaching practices within a school and district.

Contact us today to schedule a demo at: 847-475-4007

Request A DEMO or a Quote

“What I like about the DBQ project is that it takes this process of historical inquiry and analysis and breaks it down into six manageable steps that you can walk your students through. I have seen teachers become more confident in teaching the writing process because of these steps. Teachers at North East ISD spend time explicitly using scaffolds during document analysis. They think out loud, and model marking the text before students are asked to analyze on their own. As a district, we meet several times a year and use protocols to analyze student writing samples. We monitor to make sure that our students are learning the process from sixth grade through 11th grade.”

– Millicent Reynolds, Director of Social Studies Education, North East ISD (San Antonio)

1234 Sherman Avenue
Evanston, IL 60202
