
The DBQ Project Library

Our DBQs and Mini-Qs are really short units of study. Many districts are using The DBQ Project units across grade levels to assist in teaching reading and writing in social studies. As students progress up the ladder, they encounter progressively more complex tasks and challenges.

Learn about DBQs & Mini-Qs

Sample Units

“Before now, the benefits of the Document Based Questions have been almost exclusively limited to the AP classroom.  But, with The DBQ Project materials and training, all of our students are starting to benefit.  Plus, with the focus on how Social Studies teachers can contribute to the Common Core and the emphasis on non-fiction informational texts, this is a great fit.  We are only in the beginning stages of implementation, but I already like what I am seeing in classrooms.”

– Stacy Moore, Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator, Union County, NC.

1234 Sherman Avenue
Evanston, IL 60202
