Mini-Qs in World History Vol. 3: Teacher Resource Binder
Eleven High-Interest Units of Study
- The Enlightenment Philosophers: What Was Their Main Idea?
- The Reign of Terror: Was It Justified?
- How Should We Remember Toussaint Louvertoure?
- Latin American Independence: Why Did the Creoles Lead the Fight?
- Female Workers in Japanese Silk Factories: Did the Costs Outweigh the Benefits?
- What Forces Drove European Imperialism on the Continent of Africa?
- What Was the Underlying Cause of World War I?
- How Did the Versailles Treaty Help Cause World War II?
- The Soviet Union: What Should Textbooks Emphasize?
- What Made Gandhi's Nonviolent Movement Work?
- China's One Child Policy: Was It a Good Idea?
Teacher Resource Binder (Only)
ISBN: 978-0-9828137-4-4